Tuesday, April 12, 2011

 In my Diptych Portraits I wanted my photos to have a comic strip feel to them.  I set the scene and then ended with a climax.  My goal was to have playful photos showing childish acts.  I wanted to show a stroy without using words or sound and I think I succeeded.

Cause: Boredom
Effect: Sleeping
In these photos I wanted to introduce a scene and bring the audience into the story.
I think Tairon did a great job using facial expressions to set the mood.

Cause: Sleeping
Effect: Getting yelled at by the teacher
I wanted to caputre the moment of when a student knows he is wrong.
I also wanted to see the expression of an angry teacher

Cause: Nolan putting his foot out
Effect: Adam tripping and stumbling
I wanted to have adam walking and then on the ground, but it did not turn out that way.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your images have no need for a border, it should be cropped out. It's distracting. The Adam & Nolan image is extremely dark and should've been color corrected. You also, STILL have spelling errors. More time needs to be spent on your work and less playing computer games during class.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Cause: Boredom
    Effect: Sleeping
    By: Steve Kuzma

    This picture makes you think back because everyone has been tiered or board in class that they fall asleep unintentionally. You can tell on the top picture he is trying to pay attention but it’s boring. Second picture same pose as the top but more leaned to the left he got comfortable to fall asleep he tried hard to stay up and couldn’t. I think this picture is successful because it’s not over done. Some people use this top and one picture they have model sitting up straight looking perfectly normal and then other head in on the desk as if they were out cold.
