Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

 This is a photo by Neil Leifer of Muhammad Ali after he knocked out Sonny Liston in the first round.  I like this photo because it shows the raw emotion of Ali during the fight and show how he aserted his dominance.

www.iwojima.com/raising/raisingb.htm  click to see picture       This is a photo of Marnies raising a flag on Mt Suribachi on the island of Iwo Jima.  This photo won a pulitzer prize because of its historical impact.  I like this photo because it was spontaneous and is able to capture the struggle the Marines faced iduring the battle.  This photo was taken by Joe Rosenthal.

 www.ettc.net/njarts/details.cfm?ID=1052 click to see picture   This a a photo of NYC Firefighters rasing a flag after the World Trade Center had collasped.  The photo inspired many people in America and showed that our spirit will not be broken.  I like this photo because it goes along with the Star Spangled banner when it says "our flag was still there."  It was taken by Thomas E. Franklin.

 watchingshadowsonthewall.wordpress.com/.../  click to see picture  This is a photo of a South Vietnamese General executing a Vietcong soldier.  This photo shocked many people and people started to support peace rather than the war.  I like this photo because it captures real life as it happens.  It was taken by Eddie Adams.

 www.encyclopediaofarkansas.net/encyclopedia/m...  click to see picture   This is a photo of southern whites harrassing Elizabeth Eckford as she tries to enter a newely intergrated school.  This photo became a rallying cry for the civil rights movement and helped achieve intergration in school.  It was taken by Will Counts.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My name: Steve Kuzma

Childhood ambition: be a comedian

Fondest memory: Christmas as a kid

Proudest Moment: getting straight A's

Biggest Challenge: AP US History

Alarm Clock: Alarm Clock

Perfect Day: Every day your alive

Indulgence: Cereal

Favorite Movie: Dark Knight, Independence Day, Live Free Die Hard


Inspirations: Mom and Dad

My life is: Great